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Sandwich Panels, Aluminum and Thermoplastics honeycombs and Foams

Honeycomb panels for public and military security

Composite materials, thanks to their extraordinary mechanical properties are used both in military and public sector. They can absorb shock waves from explosions, splinters, and retain debris. Projects, tests, experiments on request.


A composite is a combination of two materials with different properties. When they are combined they create a material specialised to do a certain job, for instance to become stronger or lighter. Composites are used because they improve the properties of their base materials and are applicable in many situations.

Honeycomb panels have an extraordinary potential for ballistic purposes as they can absorb strong shockwaves, retain fragments, are lightweight and transportable. Compared to the usual materials used in kinetic absorption strategies, composite materials provide an extra light modular solution with low space consumption.  In addition, they can be easily fixed and replaced.

Multiple materials can be used according to the needs of the costumers:

  • Polypropylene is a rigid material that provides thermal insulation and has a good behaviour to water and humidity;
  • Textiles can boost the properties of panels; para Aramid textile, for example, prevents its perforation;
  • ​A thick aluminium structure absorbs impacts, thanks to a deformation of the material.


  • Customer oriented design  
  • Design
  • Partnership
  • Test in laboratories  
  • Test for explosion

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Project 2019 - Roma Termini - Italy

Roma Termini floating parking lot - 14000 sqm

The system has been studied to be used only in the lowest floor of the parking lot and, coupled with the bearing structure, should withstand the weight of the collapsed upper levels in case of explosion.

- Para-Aramid textile
- Compocel AL panel


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Project 2019 - Israel

Shelter for electronic equipment 

It’s part of a system to be used in Israel as a military mobile shelter for electronic equipment. Polypropylene was chosen for its lightness and its characteristic as thermal insulator.

- Aluminium skin
- Polypropylene honeycomb
- Aluminium skin


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Project 2018 - Egypt

Armoured car underside

High density aluminium panels used as car floor I.E.D. shield (improvised explosive devices). Special alloys and densities, pared with the right dimensioning, are able to absorb the power of a close-up detonation.

- Aluminium skin
- Aluminium honeycomb
- Aluminium skin


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Project 2005 - Italy

Heat deflector for multiple rocket launcher

A combination of carbon and Aramid fibres, together with the use of particular resins, help protecting the vehicle from the heat of missiles shot from the back. The propulsion is absorbed by a medium density honeycomb placed underneath the fabric.

- Para Aramid & Carbon textile
- Aluminium skin
- Aluminium honeycomb
- Aluminium skin


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