Vacuum tables are used in various sectors: screen printing, electronics, modelling and engraving to hold the sheet during printing or cutting. The product is supplied with very high flatness tolerances.
Customisations are possible on:
They offer:
Vacuum tables are also used in other sectors such as woodworking, metalworking and precision engineering. In these sectors, vacuum tables are used to hold workpieces during machining, ensuring greater precision and a better product finish. The vacuum table can be customised according to specific requirements such as workpiece size or machine configuration.
LIABILITY DISCLAIMER: The above data are to the best of our knowledge correct and are intended to give information about our products and their potential applications. No warranty is given or implied in respect of certain properties of the products or their suitability for a particular application. We reserve the right for technical changes without further notice. We guarantee impeccable product quality under our terms of sale.
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